Champaign, Illinois – Verdant Partners is pleased to announce that, effective January 1, 2018, Emmanuel Rougier has joined Verdant Partners as a Senior Global Advisor. Mr. Rougier has had a long and distinguished career with Limagrain, based in Saint-Beauzire, Puy-de-Dôme, France. Most recently, Mr. Rougier served as CEO of Limagrain until his retirement on December 31, 2017. Prior to becoming CEO, Mr. Rougier served as Deputy CEO since 2007. During his career at Limagrain, Mr. Rougier also held positions in Finance & Treasury, CFO, CEO Limagrain Netherlands, CEO Field Seeds, CEO Vegetable Seeds (Vilmorin) & Garden Products, and Corporate Vice President for Development, Strategic Planning and Mergers & Acquisitions. Mr. Rougier has been a member of Limagrain’s Group Executive Committee since 1989.
“Verdant is fortunate to have a person of Emmanuel’s experience and character join our client service team. His broad, global experience brings a wealth of knowledge to Verdant and adds to our ability to serve our clients with the high-level of expertise, professionalism, and integrity for which our firm is known. I have known and worked with Emmanuel for over 20 years and have the utmost respect for his depth of knowledge about the global ag-space and its various components,” said Verdant’s Managing Partner, Dean Cavey.
In his new role with Verdant, Mr. Rougier will bring global perspectives and capabilities to clients across several key sectors of agriculture, including field seeds, vegetable seeds and other related areas.
Commenting on his appointment, Mr. Rougier stated, “I have worked with Verdant Partners for many years and have been involved in several transactions where Verdant was representing a sell-side client. As a result, I have great respect for the firm and its ability to represent its clients in transactions where both the seller and the buyer are equally happy with the result of the transaction. They provide their clients with deep knowledge of the industry and the integrity to manage a fair and efficient process leading to a successful transaction.”
Mr. Rougier can be reached at: emmanuelrougier@verdantpartners.com or +33 (0) 6 07 67 02 11
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